Skin health is so essential! Our skin often is over looked as this tough external barrier with no relevance to over all health. Our skin reflects what’s happening inside of our body and what we put into our bodies, plus the way we treat ourself reflects outwardly on the skins surface. As a holistic clinic we view skin in a whole way, it wouldn’t be productive to talk about conditions or discuss treatment without taking a look on the inside!

Your skin being an organ is affected by the entire bodies system, we must consider impairments in health to get to the bottom of many skin complications. Even the healthiest person can have stress factors they are not aware of, poor sleep, work stress, living & work environments, trauma, ect. The list goes on!

We offer an Inside skin consultation with Gabby the owner of the salon. Gabby is our wiz at knowing all about skin health, she is completing her Bachelor in Nutritional Health Science and has years experience working with women and men helping treat skin & health aliments. If you want to commit to treating your skin health this is our must have consult!

So let’s go over the main recommendations that anyone can easily implement to start improving health.

Let’s remember poor skin is a reflection of your inside!

Whole foods

Diets in whole foods, unprocessed /unrefined are the best for our bodies. We want to provide maximum amounts of nutrition by consuming a wide nutrition profile. This means getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates & fats! We do not promote restrictive diets, hence promoting a no fat or a no carb diet will be sure to see your skin and health decline either immediately or over time.

A whole food diet means doing your best to avoid things that contain preservatives, even “natural preservatives” as many are manufactured and not naturally occurring, they can cause problems such as digestive issues for many. Some basic recommendations in dietary changes are focusing on an ancestral diet, looking for grass fed, organic and free-range produce is VERY highly recommended.

Animal products that are fed diets high in grains & have antibiotics/steroids pumped into them will be much less healthy, these things build in the tissue and when eaten can cause health issues. Via eliminating poor quality animal products clients have seen a change in digestive upsets and over all vitality.

Our recommended favourite foods to incorporate weekly are;

  • Dark chocolate or cocoa (If chocolate look for the cleanest ones)

  • Oatmeal ( Helps keep you regular but importantly has essential minerals such as manganese and phosphorus)

  • Potatoes/sweat potatoes ( EAT THEM! Vitamin C right, a good source of B6 and has our fave magensium)

  • Avocado (Contains more potassium than bananas! And an amazing source of Vitamin C)

  • Greek yoghurt (Avoid ones with preservatives, the less on the ingredient list the better!)

  • Berries (Organic if possible, lets get those antioxidants in and high in Vitamin C)

  • Banana (Potassium & B6 & a healthy sugar!)

  • Carrots (VERY good for detoxifying oestrogen, if you have hormonal skin eat carrots every day!)

  • Oysters (Natural source of Zinc, amazing for healing! If you like them its a nice excuse ;) !

  • Garlic (Antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral ! If you have acne you need to be eating this!)

  • Liver (eep this seems gross but you can get grass fed beef liver capsules & incorporate in your diet, an essential for acne sufferers!)

  • Organic or Free range eggs (I love these mainly for the Selenium & Vitamin D content)

  • Raw Milk from Made by Cow (High in A2 protein, has enzymes vitamins and minerals that are essential! Mainly drink to get Vitamin D but is also very hydrating to our bodies because of electrolytes).

Removing preservatives and pesticides

Start reading labels! If you don’t know it and doesn’t sound like REAL food avoid it! Start washing fruit and purchasing organic when possible. We recommend purchasing organic berries or washing the heck out of them, they carry one of the highest concentrations of pesticides! You can actually look via they give a top 20 list of foods with pesticide residue in WA.


When possible avoid and substitute, if bread is eaten swap it out for a healthier version of sourdough. Gluten is hard to digest and wheat products have additives. This is a big problem for many, but we all have different levels of tolerance. You don’t need to totally remove grain if you don’t get symptoms, but be vigilant in determining what is your limit. If you eat wheat products make sure they are not highly refined and contain Industrialised seed oils! 

Industrialized seed oils, especially canola!

It is a PUFA (Poly unsaturated fatty acid). This causes inflammation and a range of other issues! Believe it or not, fish oil is a PUFA and the majority of commercial fish oil products are highly rancid and oxidised before consuming. If you consume this it depletes antioxidant levels, especially vitamin E in the body and we need this for healthy skin! If you are eating naturally occurring unrefined PUFA’S make sure they are not over eaten and kept it in good context of your diet. For example do not eat salmon every day, having salmon once a week with a plate full of other nutrients and antioxidants if fine!

We highly recommend removing Fish oil supplements or other PUFA supplements from your diet, looks at substituting with Vitamin e oil, an amazing antioxidant!

As for Industrialised seed oils like Canola, remove remove remove at all costs! This might mean giving up some of you favourite things, but we don’t deny your capability of finding new better foods!


Dairy often is not spoken of well, we recommend if you have intolerance to book for our Inside skin Consultation with Gabby. There can be many reasons why someone is unable to digest dairy and it isn’t always simple! Saying this we generally recommend for all other clients who don’t have problems to follow the proceeding advice.

We recommend reducing or removing A1 protein milks. A1 milk causes inflammation and is hard to digest, it can easily irritate the gut and skin. A2 milk on the other hand is actually highly nutritious and beneficial for health!

There are two brands of milk we recommend. A brand called Made by Cow, it is cold pressed to remove pathogens and not heated. When it’s heated the vitamins, minerals and enzymes get destroyed. Vitamins are then added back artificially and the resulting product does not have have digestive enzymes to help you break down the milk protein. Made by Cow is cold pressed so many nutrients including enzymes that help us digest milk are retained at a much higher level. Many clients who have had issues with milk say this is a game changer brand.

A2 Milk is the other brand we recommend. A2 is a much better protein to digest and you may have much better tolerance on this.

If you have restricted Milk for a period of time always introduce is low and slow! you body reduces/ stop making lactase an important enzyme to break down Lactose when Milk is restricted from the diet.


Magnesium ( We recommend Ancient Lakes Liquid Magnesium AKA trace minerals)

Everyone needs to be on magnesium! It is responsible for around 80% of enzyme functions so it’s incredibly important for our skin. We are deficient in magnesium because of the 20th century modern day diets, farming techniques and stressors we manage daily.

Not all magnesium is equal and some don’t absorb well. We promote Ancient Lakes, it’s WA made and one of the only brands in the world which made it in the top 2% of products not containing plastics! It is Highly bio available magnesium so it will do what it says, and contains a small amount of other healthy trace minerals. It improves stress, sleep, skin health, gut function, enzyme responses, and so on!

You must take it gradually. We recommend starting with 4 drops. If there is no laxative effect or tummy upset over a 2 day period increase by 1 drop every 2-3 days and so on. Only increase when there are no unpleasant effects. It can take along time to build tolerance, our body will only absorb what it can at the time, hence it will cause a laxative effect if we do not absorb it. This doesn’t mean we don’t need it! It means your tolerance is low, and we need to increase tolerance level as our need for it is VERY high. 

Keep increasing your drops as said until you get to a higher dose of around 10-15 drops daily. Once here we recommend dividing the dose or taking it over a longer period of the day, not all at once. By putting it in a large water bottle and drinking through the day it is an easy way of increasing your magnesium.

As your dose increases to the recommended 3ml, be aware of your tolerance and how to take it. Split your doses, or make sure your are not taking to much of it at once. This helps to prevent digestive upsets.

TIP: You can also add trace minerals to cooking as they are complexity heat stable!

Adrenal cocktail ( 1 serving ):

Your Adrenal cocktail helps to support your adrenals, and by doing this improves over all health. You will particularly notice a difference in energy and less dehydration.

Each morning within the first hour of waking consume a service of Adrenal cocktail, even if you skip breakfast make this a habit! It will help to stabilise blood sugar and improve hormone regulation.

Have your second dose around 2pm, this is when your adrenals will become sluggish. It’s known as 3:30-itce! I always emphasise if there is one thing to focus on during times of stress it is the cocktail!

To make one serve combine:

  • 1 cup of coconut water

  • 1 cup of orange juice ( I get freshly pressed from Taylor road. Be careful because some advertised "fresh" is actually reconstituted and is not whole food vitamin C).

  • Pinch of Magnesium Salt (can use regular food quality sea salt if you don’t have magnesium salt. Our clinic sells magnesium salt in store and this can be used for your adrenal cocktail and to season food to boost mineral content)

  • Optional- Some Liquid Magnesium can be added