SHR/IPL frequently asked questions


To find out if you are a candidate fill out the IPL consent form and Fitzpatrick skin questioner on our consent and care page. Click here to be directed.

Not all skin and hair types are suitable, along with certain medical or genetic conditions, it can be dangerous when using Intense Pulse Light. We always put safety first, and require consultation and patch testing to be approved prior to proceeding with treatments.

IPL machines must be treated with respect for the power they hold, and should not be underestimated for safety purposes. By pre filling the consent and Fitzpatrick forms, if any red flags come through, we can advise you prior to coming in to save time.


·       Pregnancy

·       Breastfeeding

·       Keloid scaring

·       Skin types over a Fitzpatrick 4

·       Epilepsy

·       Hirsutism

·       Photosensitive medications

While there are many more contraindications we have listed the top No’s for treatment, for further consultation into eligibility please fill the IPL consent and Fitzpatrick chart.


A minimum of 6 sessions are required, however up to 12 may be needed depending on certain factors. On average we see most clients needing 9-10, this is completely normal. Although after a few sessions you may notice hair reduction, treatments need to be continued to the suggested amount. This is due to the way our hair cycle grows. When you are noticing little hair growth, it is very likely you are in a phase of inactive growth, and within a few weeks the hairs which require treatment will grow through.


4-5 weeks is required. Visits can be stretched to 6 weeks, however over 6 weeks is highly NOT recommend. It is essential you stick to the correct length between visits, as this will reduce the session’s effectiveness.  Hair grows in 3 different cycles, not all hair grows at the same time in the phase we require for treatment. If you miss a session or leave it too long, the correct cycle is missed and an additional session will be needed to treat those hairs.


SHR/IPL is the latest technology in hair removal. The machine we use has a cooling head that reduces the amount of heat to the skin. The less heat the more comfortable the treatment. In comparison to old generation IPL machines, the level of pain is next to none. Many call the treatment pain free, however everyone has different pain thresholds. We advise while not completely painless, it is much less painful than waxing! On top of an icy cold treatment head, the operation of the machine by a trained professional is essential to the comfort of the treatment. We always put safety first and ensure no corners are cut to increase the level of comfort.


SHR/IPL is not permanent hair removal; it is a hair reduction treatment. There are no treatments other than electrolysis, which is the treatment of one individual hair at a time that creates permanent removal. IPL or laser places that advertise permanent hair removal are misleading. Over time, and that time length will vary for individuals (depending on certain factors, eg hormones), hair follicles will reactivate and a smaller portion of hair can start to grow back. It is often not at the same thickness as prior, however maintenance sessions are needed to maintain a hair free state. 1 or 2 maintenance sessions may be required anywhere from 6 months up to a year. We recommend if you notice pigmented hairs popping through that your due for maintenance.